Pin-up hot naked boy Joey Amis at Belami

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Pin-up hot naked boy Joey Amis

Belami says: Everyone remembers Joey Amis from his outstanding performance in the blowjob scene from ‘Mating Season’. This weeks Pin-Up photoset was taken by Marty Stevens during one of Belami’s trips to South Africa. As usual, Joey is full of smiles and energy, and of course a rock hard cock. Watching the photoshoot video you get a look behind the scenes as Belami create this collection of beautiful photos. Joey is super relaxed sat in the window with only his red shorts on, he takes the direction of the cameraman and cute lighting guy extremely well. As he lowers his shorts to reveal his super soft dick, Joey smiles intently, his mind is soley on the job in hand.


Joey laughs when he is asked to smile, showing his perfect teeth and dimples. From his face, the camera lowers for a great shot of his sleeping uncut cock. Totally soft with the foreskin covering almost all of his pink bell end, amongst a mass of hairy pubes. As the camera draws out you notice that Joey’s left hand ball hangs down further than the right one, it’s clearly a lot heavier. As he drops his shorts to reveal his smooth bubble ass the cameraman drops into view to adjust his cheeks, they both laugh at his warm hands. The video follows Joey throughout the day’s shooting in settings and if you are a Joey Amis fan then this bonus video is a treat.








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