Category Fratmen

Fratmen Gage

Dark haired ripped muscle boy Fratmen Gage! Fratmen says: Dark haired ripped muscle boy Fratmen Gage is always a little shy at first in front of the camera. But he soon comes out of his shyness. This tall muscled stud…

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Fratmen Bo

Fratmen Bo the classic red-blond boy-next-door! Fratmen says: Fratmen Bo had a nice run at the FRATPAD, and we’re finally releasing the footage of him that made him a Fratmen in the first place. He’s a classic red-blond boy-next-door. See…

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Fratmen Paris

Fratmen Paris selfie didn’t disappoint!….. Fratmen says: It’s always fun to see how creative the guys get when we ask them to do a selfie shoot. Fratmen Paris selfie didn’t disappoint. See Fratmen Paris fully exposed here!

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Fratmen Orion

There’s nothing like a well dressed city boy stripped from his element and tossed to the endeavors of a serene environment where exhibitionism prospers. Fratmen Orion is a prize for the eyes and a compliment to nature, with beautiful contrasting…

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