Sexy Drew cups his big ball sack as he jerks his swollen dick

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Island Studs says: While this is Drew’s first nude shoot, he is comfortable with me and while performing naked garden work for our cameras.

Watch as jerking Drew plays with his dick head delicately caressing his pink cut cock head with his dirty farmer hands and his strong veiny forearms as his big ball sac dangles below the cement blocks.

Watch how dirty Drew gets as he rips up the tall weeds in the garden with his bare hands.

Listen to Drew explain which plants in our garden like to be pissed on, as he holds his cock with his dirty hands and releases a strong pee onto the flowering Orange tree.

Once again, this dirty dairy farmer plays with his dick head and cups his big ball sack as he jerks his swollen stick.



All the Island Studs updates right here!

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Naked Men Big Cock
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